I'm Jamie-Lee and I'm annoying...
In 2011 my husband and I opened a tattoo studio; I stayed home with the kids and he went to work. I wanted to be involved; so I cleaned the studio and sat at the front desk chatting to clients and running errands... all the while wanting to be more involved.
I love making things; most things don't work out - but some things do (like my rakehead wineglass holder - see photo above). The reason behind my self-professed-title-of-being-annoying wasn't the hideous failed creations...
The reason I became annoying was evident after I purchased 'our' first DSLR camera (I say 'our' loosely!). How did I convince my husband that we needed to fork out just short of $1000 dollars on a camera? Well; it was for his own good... I would learn how to use the contraption and he would reap the benefits from his work being showcased in a top quality way. Except, it never really made it to the studio... ha ha ha
So I learnt. Mostly by trial and error. A LOT of error. I switched that bad boy to manual mode and dove in head first. My pictures were mostly black or they were white (not to be confused with black AND white)... I captured candid photos of my kids, my husband, birds, the wheels on the bus... FLOWERS! This is where my true annoying self came out. The camera was never far from me; I would jump up to grab it before one of my children stopped doing that-amazing-thing-they'd-just-learnt-to-do.
I documented.... E V E R Y T H I N G! I could feel the annoyance oozing off me; I'd hear my friends or family sigh as if to say, "Really? Again!?"
Some years later; an upgraded camera and some bells and whistles, I am learning... FURIOUSLY! I am learning new things every other day - reading about photography and cameras and still using my kids to practice on. My friends and family are actually happy now that I subjected them to so much torment - we now have thousands of pictures to laugh and reminisce over!
Now I'm not so annoying to my friends and family using them as subjects... I've become annoying in a different way... "Wow, look at that fence with that tree in the background and the way the light is seeping in from behind... that would make a great location for a photoshoot..."
Friends and family altogether, "Sigh".